Top 21 Questions Not Asked at Last Night's Presidential Press Conference

1. Does the United States possess weapons of mass destruction?

2. Where exactly is this “parking lot” you propose Saddam Hussein disarm, and will he be allowed to disarm in a handicapped spot?

3. What sort of tax breaks for the rich does your administration propose to relieve the economic burden of the war?

4. What is an acceptable number of casualties in the White House?

5. How soon can we expect to see a benefit from the war at the pumps?

6. Do you think we’ll get the US endorsement at the next UN Security Council vote on Iraq?

7. Is the use of force in Iraq your last or second-to-last choice?

8. In light of your offer to allow Saddam Hussein to be exiled, are you extending a similar offer to the Iraqi people?

9. In a contest to see who cares less about UN opinion, between you and Saddam Hussein, who would win?

10. Will we be bombing Turkey, just a little bit, as we fly over?

11. When you “pray for peace,” do you pray to God or to Richard Cheney?

12. How much longer are you giving France to drop its obnoxious attitude?

13. Are we prepared for a preemptive preemptive strike on the US, and do you have a moral problem with such a strike?

14. Why has Saddam Hussein gotten a better exile offer than Osama bin Laden?

15. How do you know what the “final stage of diplomacy” is unless you have already given up on diplomacy?

16. Will an exile offer to Saddam Hussein be extended by the great state of Texas?

17. Are we “heading into the Twenty-first Century” or are we already there?

18. What’s worth less—a Security Council veto of a follow-up to Resolution 1441 or a last-minute disarmament by Saddam Hussein?

19. When the SEALs find Saddam Hussein, will they engage in a preemptive strike?

20. Are we prepared to use deception and propaganda against our own people?

21. If you happen to come up with a direct, solid, credible link between Iraq and September 11, will you let us know?

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